Free Spirits

We had been married for 1 year, 6 months and 1 day now. We started out as friends then eventually he falls in love to me, he won't admit it though, and we became together just before christmas of 2007 and got hitch 8 months after.

We are both free spirited in our own ways, independent since we both live out of our parent house after graduation and manage out life alone well. He live a happy go lucky life of a bachelor for years and I cherish my single lady life.

We are both simple, we eat what want may it be that steak or fishball ni manong and we love to wonder around just as what we did in the picture take a trip to tagaytay then down to taal lake and up again into thr mouth of volcano and that was unplanned.

Most of the time we love to walk around, eat around, laugh and fool around with out little angel. Our free spirited manner can also be credited since our profession require us to be not too serious.

we also love to go around the city in motorcycle, it beats the makati traffic easy.


earthlingorgeous said...

Hi there,

I can't seem to find a photo included in your post? Can you recheck pls? Thank you.


Kasai said...

its is now okay, sorry:)

Sherry said...

yeah motorcycle good for traffic jam you can be faster than car. :D

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